Request for Continuance Form Florida Docx
Only Family Law Forms are listed. Forms are not available for every situation.
Frequently Requested Family Law Forms:
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YOU WILL NEED A PRINTER: You will need to print your completed form(s), sign and notarize them as required and submit the form to the clerk's office via regular mail, in person or by scanning the signed PDF and electronically filing your form(s) (eFiling).
Contact Us for Help: If you have a question about accessing the courts, contact us at or call (850) 921-0004.
All Family Law Forms Listed by Category:
Alimony – forms 12.905 – This is money one spouse is ordered to pay to another if you are separated, getting divorced, or are already divorced.
Discovery – forms 12.930 – 12.932 – Discovery is the part of the case that happens before the hearing where parties find out information about each other. Not every case needs discovery.
Divorce – Dissolution of Marriage forms 12.901 – 12.905 – A court action to end a marriage. Petitions & Answers, financial affidavit, child custody, supplemental modifications of parenting plan, child support, alimony, more.
Domestic, Repeat, Sexual or Dating Violence; Stalking – forms 12.980 (a – x) – If you are in a relationship with someone who is hurting you, you may be able to ask the court for protection. Includes petitions, temporary injunctions, modification orders, extension of injunctions, supporting documents, more.
Judgments, Orders and Dispositions – forms 12.990 – 12.999 – Final judgments in divorce (dissolution of marriage), parenting plans, child support, income deduction orders, final disposition, more. These written documents are signed by a judge to show the judge's decision in a case. You may be asked to give one of these forms to the court when you file your case.
Judicial Waiver of Parental Notice of Termination of Pregnancy (See Rules of Juvenile Procedure in Florida Rules of Court) to find the forms. They are located at 8.987 – 8.992.
Motions – forms 12.940 – 12.949 – Includes temporary injunctions (not domestic violence cases), parent removal, guardian ad litem, testimony and attendance of minor child(ren), temporary support, and more. Blank motions are not available.
Name Change – forms 12.982 (a – g) – Use these forms to legally change your, your child's, or your family's first or last name when you are not going through a divorce. Includes petition, consent, final judgment, and more.
Parenting Coordinator – forms 12.984 (a – d) – A parenting coordinator is an impartial third person whose role is to assist the parents in successfully creating or implementing a parenting plan. Includes referral, response, report of an emergency, request for a status conference.
Parenting Plan – forms 12.995 (a – c) – A parenting plan shows each parent's responsibilities for how they will raise their child. This section includes a standard parenting plan, a supervised/safety-focused plan, and a relocation/long distance plan.
Paternity – forms 12.983 (a – g) / Disestablishment of Paternity – forms 12.951 (a – b) – When you want to establish who is or who is not the father of a particular child. Includes petitions & answers and for related relief, motions for scientific testing, disestablishment of paternity and/or child support obligation, and more.
Procedural – forms 12.920 – 12.929 – Refers to the process by which a court hears and determines what happens in a case.
Relocation – forms 12.950 (a – j) – When one parent wants to request to permanently move with their child more than 50 miles away from their current home. Includes agreement for relocation with minor child(ren), motions, petition, supplemental petition, more.
Representation Forms, Petitions, Supplemental (Modification) Petitions, Answers, and Supporting Documents
Service & Subpeonas – forms 12.910 – 12.919 – The requirement for one party to formally notify the other party of the lawsuit. Includes summons and memorandum, subpoenas for hearing or trial, military service, diligent search, certificate of service, current address, and more.
Step-Parent Adoption – forms 12.981 (a1 – D2) – When a step-parent wants to adopt their spouse's child. Includes consent and waiver, consent of adoptee, diligent search, Indian Child Welfare Affidavit Act, joint petition, adult adoptee forms, more.
Temporary/Concurrent Custody – forms 12.970 (a – f) – When a parent needs an extended family member to help take care of their child. Includes petitions for custody, waivers, more.
Time-Sharing – forms 12.905 (a) – Also known as "child custody." Supplemental Petition to Modify Parenting Plan/Time-Sharing Schedule and Other Relief.
Get Help with Legal Research
The instructions found at the beginning of most forms are not the only place where you can get information about how a family case works. You may want to look at other resources for more help. The Florida Statutes, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, and other legal information (SEE LINKS BELOW) may be found online at the public library, or in a law library at your county courthouse or a law school in your area.
If you need a form that is not listed, you will need to review other resources or prepare your own motion. To do this, you will need to either consult the Florida Statutes and rules or seek the advice of an attorney. Local Family Law or Self-Help Centers and law libraries may be able to assist you.
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