How Many Greens to Feed a Black Chocobo Ff7
Chocobo Racing is one of the more interesting aspects of raising your Chocobo. As you've already learned from your experience from Disk One (Escaping Corel Prison), you'll need to have good judgement and push the right buttons at the right times.
There are four ranks in Chocobo Racing: C, B, A and S. Wild Chocobos start at rank C by default. You must win a certain number of races in order to move up in ranks - if, say, the races were based on a points system, you need 6 points to move up in rank. Winning the Long Track race earns you two points, winning the Short Track race earns you one point. *A small hint, to recover stamina, hold down R1 and R2*
When you breed chocobos, they are more likely to produce better offspring if their rank is higher, so it is in your best interest to get them to A rank or higher. Not only that, you can earn some GP through winning races, and also you'll earn some good items (Like Megalixirs, Enemy Away, Cat's Bell) through the ticketing system.
1. Go to the Chocobo Farm and purchase four stables (at least). It's 10000 gil per stall.
2. Fly to the grass area near Bone Village. Fight a red-dragon monster by the name of (Vlakorados) and steal a Carob Nut from it. Repeat until you have three Carob Nuts.
3. Fly to a small island near the north-east corner of the map - it's called Goblin Isle. Fight the Goblins there and steal one Zeio Nut.
4. Fly to the Chocobo Sage's House near Icicle Inn, and purchase 40 Sylkis Greens.
1. Fly to the Chocobo Tracks near the Gold Saucer. Equip the Chocobo Lure materia, get some unused Greens ready and capture some chocobos. Choose to send them to the farm.
2. Fly to the Chocobo Tracks outside Mideel and capture one there.
3. Fly to the Chocobo Farm and save before entering - this way, if they are not the exact type of Chocobos you want, you can reset and try again. Move the Chocobos in the pen to the stables. You'll want a walking Chocobo (Good) and a Running Chocobos (Great). Furthermore, they must be Male and Female in order for them to breed (Duh.) If they aren't, you can either reset (if you saved) or release them and capture more chocobos. If they don't change after the reset, release them and try your luck capturing some more. The third Chocobo must be a running Chocobo (Great) of any gender.
4. Mate the Walking Chocobo with the Running Chocobo (Make sure they're Male and Female) and give them a Carob Nut. Hopefully you'll get a Green or Blue Chocobo the next day! You'll want this baby to be of opposite gender to that third Chocobo (The runner) so that they can mate.
At this stage, things complicate depending on what baby you got.
If you got a Green Chocobo, wait some time, then mate the runner with the Green Chocobo, and give them a Carob Nut. Hopefully you'll get a Blue Chocobo (You can level them up if you're struggling to get a Blue Chocobo).
If you got a Blue Chocobo, you can either repeat the steps above to get a Green Chocobo, or you can try and mate the two that just bred to get a Green Chocobo.
To sum it all up, you'll want to get a Green Chocobo and a Blue Chocobo of opposite genders so that you can mate them. Feed them 10 Sylkis Greens each, and level them up to at least A rank.
| BLACK CHOCOBOS Black Chocobos can traverse both Mountains and Shallow Water. They can also run up Waterfalls. To get a Black Chocobo, simply mate a Green Chocobo with a Blue Chocobo of the opposite gender, and give them a Carob Nut. The baby should be a Black Chocobo (Try raising your Chocobos to a higher rank if you aren't getting the required result). |
| GOLD CHOCOBOS Gold Chocobos - the ultimate form in transport. It can travel anywhere except underwater. It can even walk around the Corel Desert! Here's how to get one: 1. You should already have a Black Chocobo. Fly to the Chocobo Tracks near Icicle Inn. You'll want to catch a Dashing Chocobo (Wonderful), and it must be of the opposite gender to your Black Chocobo. This might take a while, so be patient. 2. Feed your Black Chocobo and your Dashing Chocobo 10 Sylkis Greens each and level them up to at least A rank. 3. Mate them, and choose to give them your Zeio Nut. 4. If everything goes well, you'll have a baby Gold Chocobo! |
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