How Do You Continue a Conversation After Lmao

You're texting someone you like. But the conversation is becoming really dull.

So you're wonderinghow to keep a conversation going over text.

Well, after reading this article keeping a conversation going over text will be easy.

This is what you get:

  • #1: Stop asking serious questions
  • #2: Send her assumptions
  • #3: Send her a clickbait-text
  • #4: Send her a personalized icebreaker
  • #5: Use free association
  • #5: Use value giving texts
  • #6: Voice your opinion
  • #7: Send borrowed content
  • #8: Flirt with her

Important: I know you're sometimes unsure what to text. So I've put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

#1: Stop asking serious questions

A typical thing a lot of people people do when texting someone they like is this:

They try to keep the conversation going by asking serious questions.

Let me show you what I mean:

Hey Sarah, I see you like to play the piano. I used to play too 🙂

Hi Paul. Nice to meet you

So what is your favorite song to play?

Probably toccata in d minor

Cool! Mine was A Little Night Music
by Mozart

So what do you do for work?

Any cool bars you recommend?

Anything busy in the city center

Annnnnd… She doesn't respond.

Sidenote: Maybe you don't use dating apps, but you want to keep the conversation going with your crush. We'll get to that too, my friend.

Why did Sarah the piano player leave you on read?

Because you were being superbly BORING. I count 4 questions!

I get why you're asking questions but this is the problem: you want her tofeel emotions when texting you. And right now it's all just a plain exchange of information.

Find out in the next tips how to change this around.

If you want to know if you're texting all wrong, check out this article:

  • 7 Signs you're a simp over text message

#2: Send her assumptions

Suppose you're texting your crush, or a girl on Tinder.

You exchanged a couple of texts and suddenly your intuition wants to ask a question:

"How close are you with your family?"

Before you type out that question into your phone, I want you to take a moment and fill in the answer yourself.

In other words, I want you to assume.

Supposing she has a photo of herself at a Chuck E Cheese with a pizza on display.

The assumption would look a little like this:

Based on how you stare at a pizza.
I can only imagine you have a small
army of siblings

Even though there's no one around
you're staring at that pizza like Gollum
stares at the precious

Well, I do actually have 2 siblings (bla bla bla)

Do you see the power of assumptions? Instead of leeching value by asking her a question, you're giving value by offering your perspective.

And that's super appreciated, because:

  • It's unique (it's your perspective and she's probably never heard anything like it before)
  • It's relevant (you're talking about her)
  • It's easy to reply to

Not only would she stay interested in a man who can tick those 3 boxes.

You can also keep the conversation going as long as you want, because it's based on your own assumptions. Assumptions that never run out.

So if you master assumptions, you'll never be lost for words.

Also check out this article:

  • How to tease a girl over text: Steal these 10 examples!

#3: Send her a clickbait-text

If the first text you send her is boring, she really has no reason to answer.

So if you can't hook her in with your ice breaker, she'll lose interest in you.

Ouch. So how do you write a text that'll make her want to reply? Better still, how do you write an irresistible text?


Just like on YouTube.

  • 'From bucket of bolts to race-car'
  • 'Pro footballers teach you a trick in 1 MINUTE'
  • 'I bought the world's largest firework and then this happened…'

It's possible these titles didn't pique your curiosity.

So here's a video title I know you can't resist:

  • 'How an average looking guy dated 6 models in one month using only Tinder'

The takeaway is simple:

No matter how well written, a text will never be irresistible unless it ties into the interests of the girl you're texting.

How do you invent an irresistible text for every girl you want to seduce? You stop inventing and steal my clickbait invention.

I already did all the heavy lifting and came up with the highest response rate opener on earth.

It doesn't matter who she is, my clickbait opener is irresistible to every girl on the planet.

Grab it here for free and try it out.

And also get a video of me explaining how to continue the conversation with real examples.

#4: Send her a personalized icebreaker

So what would be the absolute best icebreaker imaginable?

An icebreaker that is:

  • Unique (she's not seen it before)
  • Relevant (it's about the subject she cares about most in life)
  • Emotional (it instantly triggers a whirlwind of emotions)

How would you do that?

With the crème de la crème of all icebreakers…

The personalized icebreaker.

The steps of which are actually surprisingly simple.

  1. You look at her bio and photos
  2. You observe what stands out most
  3. You wrap that observation into an icebreaker

Let me show you how it's done, using an example from an online dating warrior.

Before I give you the opener, know that our online dating warrior chose her name as the most noticeable quality of her profile.

Okay, here we go.

First, he sets her up:

How many pickup lines do you get with the name Destiny

She answers, "TOO fucking many". (As our Tinder bro 169% already knew.)

Next he goes for the coup de grâce. (The killing blow. Don't hate me for being fancy.)

Lmao I can imagine. Well I hope you're into normal dudes because my D es tiny


"Louis, I get what you're saying. But I don't think I could write such a witty line without lots of thinking."

That's fine. Being witty takes practice.

My advice to you is: try out the personalized opener to develop your text muscles and if you can't come up with anything good, use my clickbait opener.

Want more ideas on what to send to a girl? Check out this article:

  • 101 Topics to talk to a girl about over text

#5: Use free association

Sometimes a girl will shoot you a text and you just don't know how to reply.

Which is fine. That happens to all of us. Especially if she's not giving you much to work with.

The issue is, once you don't know what to say, you'll probably say something bad. Probably something in the shape of a boring question.

So here's an easy way to keep the conversation going without asking questions.

Which I'll show using the next screenshot from one of my clients from the TextGod Mentoring Program. Where he used the personalized opener, using her bio:

I just came out a terrible relationship, so please bear with me.

A witty pun that already got him some attraction. But now my student had a problem, he didn't know how to continue the conversation.

So I told him exactly how I keep the conversation going with my most-used method:

Tugging on the conversational thread.

Basically, staying on topic while keeping it fun. To keep it fun, I use free association.

So here's my follow-up text:

You can find me at the monkey bars with a bag of bananas

Now, I don't stop here. Because that text alone is not enough to help her find a reply of her own.

So I add another little text:

Also, there was a time where I ate 18 kgs of bananas a month

I add that last line, because it'll definitely get a response out of her.

And if she replied, I'd continue tugging on the conversational thread and probably say something like:

Nah, j/k. But I do seriously have a friend who is half human/half orangutan

By now the 'monkey' topic is pretty much mined out. So I'd use my second technique to keep the conversation going.

For more texts to send after a boring text from her, check out this article:

  • 47 best responses to 'How are you?' texts

#5: Use value giving texts

Asking questions is often a really bad idea, because it screams neediness: "Uhh… uh… Here's a quick question so I can hold your attention for a few more seconds!"

So what type of text is the opposite of needy?

A simple value giving text.

That description obviously gives you no direction. So let me give you some extra guidelines.

Tell something exciting that you experienced in the past week.

My go-to value-giving text of today is:

Just woke up after I had my first jiu jitsu lesson

Still shaped like a pretzel

Put simply, it's a change in the conversational direction that also offers enough info for her to come up with a reply.

Probably something on sports and/or working out.

The key point I want you to remember is:

Whatever experience you share, make sure to write it in a way that triggers emotions.

Looking back at my jiu jitsu text, I ended on the punchline:

"Still shaped like a pretzel."

Depending on your text, your emotion triggering device could be:

  • A joke
  • A funny word
  • A funny/noteworthy experience

As long as your conversational change of direction stimulates emotions, she'll answer and you'll keep the conversation going.

Want to make her feel more and laugh over text, check out this article:

  • 52 Examples on how to make a girl laugh over text

#6: Voice your opinion

You know what is a great non-needy way to keep the conversation going?

Going against the flow (and definitely staying out of the friend zone) by…

Voicing your opinion!

Here's an example from Tinder:

Thanks to today's PC culture, she's doing some serious explaining in her bio to prove that she's not a Trump supporter.

Fair enough. Because to some people, her flag swinging will feel like a roundhouse to the face.

Anyway, I think it's a shame that we live in a time where we have to coddle these crybabies.

So that's what I told her:

And she loved it, but I didn't love her answer:

So what did I do? I went against the flow some more:

How do you think she replied?

If you answered anything else besides: AWESOMELY, you're… wrong.

See for yourself:

  • She laughed
  • She sent THREE messages
  • She tried to convince me she was 'pretty far from generic'


That said, you don't always have to be as harsh as I was. I took a gamble and it paid off.

Although most women do appreciate it when a man voices his opinion, most women don't appreciate being insulted.

And calling someone 'generic' will quickly fall into the 'insult'-category.

So if you do speak your opinion and go against the flow, try and be respectful.

#7: Send borrowed content

Now for the easiest technique of all.

Borrowing content.

With the right content, you don't even need to type a single word.

Before I show you what I mean, an essential rule:

  • If your content is longer than 20 seconds, it's too long! Scrap it

If she's like the rest of us, she spends most of her time studying and/or working. So if she clicks on her Tinder notification and sees a video that's too big of a time investment, she likely won't watch it, let alone reply to it.

But if you keep it brief, she'll quickly consume your video like an M&M, text back and continue her day with a smile on her face.

Now you know how to get her to watch your borrowed content, onto some videos you can share.

Another stealable series of texts to keep the conversation going:

Before we dial up the romance, there's something you need to know about me

Some friends of mine say I eat McFlurry's in a slutty way. Here's actual footage

Because I'm in a good mood, I'll give you another joke to keep up the momentum:

omg. Just found one of my childhood drawings

Superrrrrrrrr easy. And it almost always moves the conversation forward, because it's so enjoyable.

Who wouldn't love to get bite-sized chunks of fun?

So my advice to you is this: Whenever you find a meme or video that makes you laugh, send it to the girl you're texting.

Holy Tip:

Do you want to do more than just make her laugh with a cute cat video or meme?

Like becoming more attractive to your crush?

Grab my 10 Texts That Always Work and use my pre-made teases.

How does teasing make you more attractive?

Because you're playfully pushing her away and making her work for your affection.

Something most guys don't do. Enjoy your new sexy powers, bro.

#8: Flirt with her

Now for one more method to keep the conversation flowing. Probably the best method of all.

Not just because it moves the convo forward, but because this method gets you closer to your goal: Setting up the date.

The one thing we've been circling around this entire article:


Which goes far beyond showing interest in someone.

For those who don't have the definition at the ready, Google says:

"Behaving as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions."

That's quite a mouthful. So here's a simplification:

Flirting = showing interest + being a challenge

And if you flirt right, you create attraction right off the bat.

Here's the difference between being normal (read: BORING!):

And flirting:

Unless you're that cute girl who takes her cat for walks

Haha you're such an a-hole!

Why does she love it?

Because attraction is about keeping someone a little off balance.

Here comes another example. Suppose she didn't give you an answer that you could really work with and you just finished a meeting or a class.

I just finished a meeting and I definitely wasn't thinking about your crazy obsession with cats in hats

The boring way of phrasing that would be:

Look, flirting is not enough to base a 30-page text conversation on. But it keeps her glued to her phone and reminds her of why you're chatting: To meet up.

What does that mean? Sprinkle in some flirts so she doesn't lose interest in the conversation.

By playfully showing interest every now and then, she'll also be more likely to invest more in the conversation. Making it far easier for you to reply.

Holy Tip:

Do NOT make the mistake of flirting when the conversation is dying down.

I understand the urge: Flirting triggers lots of emotions and USUALLY makes a woman more likely to reply.

But flirting is also a gift. And if she's acting in a way that isn't worthy of a gift, like replying with very short texts, you shouldn't flirt with her.

That'll just make her think, "He's so desperate for my attention… Can't he take a hint?"

So if she's not putting a whole lot of effort into her texts, you're best off…


Find out how here.

That's pretty much all you need to know on how to keep a conversation going over text.

There's just one thing I left out.

How to get more girls to talk to!

And the answer is simple:

Download my Profile Checklist and build a bullet-proof dating profile that'll attract more lades than you can handle.

Get the formula for the ultimate dating profile here.

Enjoy, bro.

Louis Farfields

For more tips, check out these articles:

And don't forget your download below ;)

FREE download (must-have):
My secret clickbait-opener

Do you know what's strangly irresistible, even in texting? The psychological principle of clickbait!

And you can wield this power with my Clickbait opener to get quick replies.
You get 7 examples + 2 follow-up lines here:

Yes, give me the free opener!


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