what to look for when getting a new roof on your house

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A roof replacement will benefit you for the long-term, protecting your abode for years to come and raising your dwelling'southward value. When y'all choose a responsible roofing company, they'll do nearly all of the piece of work, from prepping your old roof for removal to cleaning upward later the task is done. However, at that place are a few things you tin do to make your roof replacement go even more smoothly. Minor things like cutting the grass, taking downwardly your mirrors and bringing the children to Grandma's house can make a big difference.

roofer removing shingles from roof

Observe out exactly what you should expect for the big day. We'll walk you through preparing for a roof replacement in 4 steps: preparing your yard, preparing your dwelling, preparing your children or pets and what to do after your roof replacement is finished.

1. How to Prepare Your Yard for a Roof Replacement

Roofers will be walking in your yard while they work. Plus, erstwhile shingles, nails and other debris volition fall off the roof as the roofing team removes your old roof. They'll park a dumpster in your driveway, and work from the opposite corner of the roof towards the dumpster. That way, they get as much of it as possible in the dumpster.

They should lay down tarps to assistance collect debris. Plus, they should use magnets, metallic detectors or other equipment to find nails, but the only way to detect shingle scraps is by visual inspection. Then, you need to set up your yard to bargain with falling droppings.  Here's what you'll need to do:

  • Clear your vehicles from the driveway and garage: The night earlier your roofing team arrives, park your cars a safety altitude away on the street. If you wait until the morn, your auto might get trapped as a supplier tries to drop off shingles or other materials. Plus, the roofers will need to use your driveway all 24-hour interval. They will park their garbage bin in the driveway and bring their equipment nearby and so they can place it on the roof when they need information technology.You might be tempted to put your vehicle in the garage if you won't be using it and aren't worried about information technology getting trapped there for the replacement. Still, this is a bad idea. Garage roofs are usually not insulated, and then shingle granules and nails will drop through the roof every bit the roofers work. The granules will so gather on your auto and will scratch the paint as yous wipe them abroad. The safest identify for your vehicle is the street.
  • Articulate toys and patio furniture: Covering professionals will need to walk all of the way effectually your dwelling to access the roof from different sides. You don't want them tripping on children's toys or wasting time moving your piece of furniture. Ensure there is a fifteen-foot clearance all of the way around your firm. Falling shingles and debris might damage your outdoor toys and article of furniture. It's all-time to put what yous can move into storage in the shed or garage, and cover it with a tarp. If you have a gazebo that yous can't move, take downwards or necktie up its curtains.
  • Articulate the garden: Take a peek into the garden and motion what you tin can. This might include solar-powered lights, statues, mosaic stepping stones, potted plants, water fountains, wind chimes, bird houses, and bird feeders. A dropped shingle could damage all of these frail items. Plus, you lot don't want the local birds trying shingle granules for dejeuner!
  • Mark or protect plants: Certain plants tin be very delicate or very expensive to replace. Plants are vulnerable to dropped shingles. Marking out whatever especially valuable or fragile copse or plants with orangish tape. Place netting or a tarp over bloom beds and other plants. If you show the roofers' manager which plants need actress care, he or she will ensure the other roofers give them an extra wide booth.tree marked with ribbon to avoid getting damaged while home gets reroofed
  • Marking sprinklers: If you take a sprinkler system that you can't remove, then y'all should mark each sprinkler caput and then that the roofers volition not trip over it. You should marking essentially anything embedded in the ground that roofers could trip over.
  • Marking ponds: Homeowners with green thumbs often have hidden water features, such as pocket-size natural pools tucked backside reeds or koi ponds covered in leaf. Notify your roofing professionals of your swimming and mark information technology, so that no ane accidentally steps into it.
  • Unlock your gates: Your roofing professionals will need to get all of the fashion around the house in social club to practice their job properly, so you'll need to unlock the gates for them.
  • Cut your grass: It's much easier to find leftover debris and nails in brusk grass. Cutting your grass volition aid the roofers notice any subconscious nails and tin save you the misfortune of stepping on one.
  • Cheque your electrical outlet: Your covering professionals might need to utilise powered equipment on your roof, so they'll need access to an outdoor electric outlet. If you have one, brand sure it works. If you don't, programme to leave a door or window open near an outlet that the roofing professional tin can utilize.
  • Talk to your neighbors: While you're outside preparing, take the fourth dimension to talk to your neighbors, especially your directly neighbors, well-nigh your roof replacement. If yous warn them ahead of time about the noise, disturbance and the possibility of a shingle or nail flying into their thousand, they will be a lot more co-operative the day of your roof replacement. Likewise, ask them if they would unlock their gates for the covering squad. If they do, then a roofer tin can grab whatsoever stray shingles they spot in the neighbor'southward yard. Further, if their belongings is very close, they may also want to comprehend their plants, and the roofers may need to lath up their windows. If you happen to share a driveway, your neighbor volition need to park their car on the street too.

ii. How to Fix Your Home for a Roof Replacement

The roofers won't exist inside your habitation, and then why do you demand to prepare your home for their inflow? Well, installing a brand new roof really vibrates the whole edifice. Replacing roof shingles involves a whole lot of nailing, straight into the structure of your home. There's no long-term impairment, but for the short-term, things can get messy. Here's what yous need to do:

  • Clear the cranium: We often put sentimental and fragile items in the attic, just that makes them very vulnerable during a roof replacement. Store them on the ground floor for now.
  • Protect the attic: The attic is going to collect the well-nigh dust during your roofing replacement. It is wise to lay tarps or painter's drib sheets on the flooring to brand make clean-up easier.
  • Protect the garage: If your garage is built-in to the house and roofers will be replacing its roof too, everything in it needs extra protection. Ofttimes garages don't have insulation, which normally would stop grit and shingle granules from dropping through the roof. Those granules take the potential to scratch paint. So, you should cover any precious items you take in the garage with a tarp. This might include car or motorcycle parts, collectibles, tools, etc.
  • Secure your windows: Falling roof cloth can scratch windows. Y'all roofers should place wooden boards over the windows to protect them until the original roof has been completely torn off.
  • Remove wall décor: The vibrations from hammering can knock decorations off walls, so you lot should take them downward ahead of time. This might include mirrors, pictures, wreaths, loose shelving, etc. Exist extra thorough on the pinnacle floor considering information technology will move more.
  • Protect fragile items: These same vibrations tin potentially hurt your specially fragile items, such as prc plates. Make sure glass, vases, dishes, and other breakables aren't touching each other or the wall.protect fragile china in cabinet during roof replacement
  • A roofer will remove your roof accessories: Anything that y'all have on the roof, including satellite/Tv set dishes, skylights, and solar panels, will exist removed from the roof and reinstalled. Expect goggle box interruptions.

3. How to Gear up Your Pets and Children for a Roof Replacement

Replacing roof shingles is a long, loud job. Typically, a new roof installation is a two-solar day process, but it depends on the size of your roof. Some jobs can be completed in a twenty-four hour period while others may take three. Whether your roof replacement will take one day or three, it will exist very disruptive to your children and pets. Here's how to fix:

  • Keep pets indoors (at least): Hammering and strangers disturb dogs, cats, even hamsters. It's meliorate to have your pet at a friend'southward house or a kennel service while you have a roof replacement. If that's not an option, at to the lowest degree keep your pets indoors. Otherwise, they may step on a devious nail.
  • Gear up to comfort pets: If your pets take to be indoors, exercise what you can to make them more comfy. Take them for a walk beforehand and make certain they have access to their crate and comforting toys.
  • Have the children stay at Grandma's: Infants won't be able to sleep, immature children volition get frustrated, and older children volition exist distracted. It might be best if you tin arrange for your children to exist at a family fellow member'due south or friend's house. If yous're leaving with them, be sure to leave your phone number with the roofers so that they can contact yous if they need to.
  • Tell children near the debris: If they are old enough to understand, tell your children that they'll have to be careful effectually the house considering there might be debris. Ensure they're e'er wearing shoes too.

4. After the Roof Replacement is Completed

satisfied homeowner happy with his new shingle roof

After they complete your roof replacement, the roofing professionals should make clean-up afterward themselves. Once they've done and then, there are a few more things y'all should exercise:

  • Inspect the roof: Your roofing team should show you the new roof, to ensure you're happy with their workmanship. After they're gone, you should feel comfortable calling them upwardly about anything unusual you detect minutes later, or fifty-fifty during your regular inspections. Sometimes, boosted work is needed to complete a roof renovation. It'south possible that irresolute atmospheric condition weather knocked a shingle loose before it could seal, or someone forgot to place that last ridge cap shingle. Honest mistakes happen, and professional roofers should exist eager to ready them.
  • Bank check the driveway: With all of the equipment that has been in and out of your driveway, in that location's a chance someone scuffed your grass, marked your driveway or dripped some oil. If you notify the roofing professionals virtually the trouble right away, they should be happy to arrive right.
  • Pay them: Don't forget to fulfill your end of the bargain. If you like the contractor's work, recall that they appreciate quick payment. Hopefully, you'll gain more than a roof replacement; you'll proceeds a relationship with a roofer you lot trust. You'll find that this relationship will be valuable for every bit long as you own a home.

If you're still looking for a professional roofer to replace your roof, you can detect one through IKO's Contractor Locator. Otherwise, it may help y'all prepare for your roof replacement to learn more than almost your roof and how it is supposed to function. Check out IKO's weblog for more resources.

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Source: https://www.iko.com/na/blog/how-to-prepare-for-a-roof-replacement/

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