Baby Kicks When I Go to the Bathroom

This article was originally published on Nov 21, 2017. It was updated on September 05, 2020 by Kirstie Landry

It is probably the well-nigh anticipated moment during a adult female's pregnancy: waiting for the baby to movement. It is usually the one part of pregnancy that all moms wait forward to, and all moms miss information technology when their pregnancy is over. Information technology is such a special and momentous occasion for mom that she tin even take phantom movements long after the babe is out, according to

Phantom movements are not a surreptitious baby in there; it is just the mother's digestive system. A woman notices them more later giving birth considering she is more in tune with her body and the feeling of her little one bouncing around.

While feeling a little one wiggle and squirm effectually in there may be fun, it is actually very important because they tell women a lot about what exactly is going on in there. From the moment they experience that little nudge, they will commencement to become obsessed with how much and how often their little ane is moving. It is always important for a adult female to get checked out if she feels that her little one has not moved enough or their motility pattern has drastically changed.

So, what do these petty movements mean? What can they tell a significant woman about how her babe is doing? The truth is that they tin can tell women a lot if they pay attention and know the different types of movements and what those mean. At that place are many different types of baby kicks, and they each mean something different.

15 Fluttering - Just Gas

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One of the start feelings meaning ladies will feel is a flutter. A start-time mom has no idea what to wait for when it comes to fetal movements, and even with all the helpful communication from more than experienced moms, it can nonetheless be hard to determine kicks from gas. According to, a offset-time female parent volition often beginning to experience these flutters around the sixteenth week, only every mom is different. A mother who has had a child before may feel them before because she knows what she is looking for.

The reason they are often thought to exist gas is because they feel very similar to gas movements in a person's belly. It could besides feel very similar to having butterflies in i's tummy. Ladies should enjoy it because the movements take only begun, and they are in for a wonderful experience.

14 Tapping - Infant Is Still Tiny

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These early on kicks can also feel like a tapping on the within of one's tummy. The baby is yet fairly small at the point where women usually kickoff to feel movement, so they will not automatically feel the stiff kicks and punches withal. It may feel like a gentle tap; like the lilliputian one is knocking on your uterine wall. At this point, because the babe is so tiny, there are a lot of layers between the baby and their female parent's skin. The placenta, uterine wall, muscle, and fat are all offering some padding.

This padding is wonderful because information technology protects the baby, merely information technology will as well take a lot of the burden of the early kicks and punches, and then by the fourth dimension moms feel it, it will seem much softer until that baby gets bigger and stronger. If they have an anterior placenta, where the placenta is at the front end, it volition also hateful they may need to await a bit longer. According to, having an inductive placenta could hateful that moms have to wait a bit longer before they feel the babe move.

The respond to the question,"why am I non feeling my baby motion yet?" is this thicker lining present in the womb. However, it'due south important to notation that at that place is a condition chosen placenta accretia which can be serious.

13 Kick - Cramped Baby

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When an unborn baby gets bigger and stronger, those footling taps volition plow into kicks. A woman'southward womb tin merely abound so big, so there will come up a time when the baby starts to get a petty cramped and uncomfortable. To brand themselves comfortable, they volition want to stretch their legs. Unfortunately, them stretching may mean that moms become a kicking or ii forth the manner.

While fetal movements should never cause mothers severe pain, there will be times where they are uncomfortable. They may even crusade them to lose their breath for a moment and they might have to stop and collect themselves. This is particularly true if the baby is kicking in a spot that is uncomfortable to them. While feeling some discomfort similar this is perfectly normal, mothers should not hesitate to contact their doctors if they feel a lot of pain.

12 Punching - Baby Non Sleeping

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If a baby can kick, they tin as well punch. Sometimes, they need to stretch their piddling arms out, and the only way to do that is to give mom a quick punch from the inside. Again, much like kicking, this should not cause women much hurting. Unfortunately for mom, the babe moves generally at nighttime. This is because during the 24-hour interval, mom is moving around a lot, and when her hips sway, it is essentially rocking the babe to sleep, according to

When moms try to residuum, their unborn babies tend to move around a bit more they did when their mothers were active. Babies are born essentially nocturnal considering they are used to existence up all night, which is why a lot of newborns have their nights and days mixed up. Unfortunately, this means that mom is already a scrap sleep-deprived earlier the babe comes.

xi Rolling - Most Likely The Baby's Bum

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Everyone always asks an expectant mom if their baby is kicking yet, but no 1 asks them if their baby is rolling yet. This question is usually saved for after the baby comes, every bit rolling is the 2d big developmental milestone a babe will hit, according to However, babies roll quite ofttimes while they are in the womb. A lot of women feel rolling in improver to their child's kicks and punches, according to

This can brand moms experience almost similar they are getting a massage from the inside, and if they lookout their stomach, they will be able to see the baby motion. Information technology really is a fascinating sight to see. Information technology will look similar there is a large ball in their stomach, and it will motion  near similar a piddling moving ridge. This is nigh likely the little babe's bum.

10 Depression Kicks - The Baby Might Be Breech

via Snappy Goat

Women may reach a indicate where they remember that they are pregnant with a serpent, as the infant volition squirm effectually a lot. It is just some other mode for the babe to become comfy in at that place. At some bespeak, the baby starts to run out of room, and it reaches a point where all they can do is roll and squirm, as in that location is not equally much room anymore to transport out the big kicks and punches.

Due to this, moms tin can tell where they are in their belly. If a infant is kicking low, it could be a sign that they are in a breech position. According to, moms who are carrying a infant that is in the breech position might feel them below their belly button.

9 Tickles - The Babe Blowing Out Amniotic Bubbling

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Meaning women sometimes feel some actually odd sensations before they give birth. They commonly expect to feel their baby kicking them, or fifty-fifty ringlet over. But sometimes they might feel as though they are being tickled.

What causes it? Well, the baby is probably blowing some bubbles with the amniotic fluid. This is very similar to when a person blows bubbles into liquid with a straw.

And so, if moms feel a tickling sensation in their abdomen that makes them break out in giggles, their little i is having some fun in there and is blowing some bubbles. Without the harbinger, of course. Babies motility for a variety of reasons, and in that location are a lot of tricks moms can try to go their little one to move. Ane of them is past shining a lite on their tummy, according to Babies will react to differences in light, as they will often turn away from the source.

8 Popping - Baby Has Hiccups

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Much like a tickle feeling, moms might also experience a popping sensation. It will nearly feel like a bunch of little popcorn kernels are popping in their tummy. While it may feel a little odd and may have them a bit unsettled, it is actually a adept thing. This means that their little one probably has the hiccups. Babies swallow amniotic fluid, and it causes them to become the hiccups much like when people drink liquids.

Hiccups are a good sign that their digestive organisation is developing as it should, then all is well. Moms practice not need to practice anything special to take them away, the infant doesn't heed having the hiccups and they will eventually go away on their own. So, moms should only enjoy the feeling instead of worrying about it. After all, worrying is not good for anyone.

7 Vibrations - Baby's Adjusting To Temperature


Another feeling that is involved with the hiccups is a vibration. This is the one type of feeling that seems to make a lot of women worry, only information technology shouldn't. It is completely normal and to be expected. As well, if moms do not feel all of these feelings during their pregnancy, that is fine too. Every bit long as they feel some sort of motility, everything is likely to exist fine. Every woman and pregnancy is different, some feel all the niggling movements, while others feel only kicks and rolling.

Furthermore, babies will besides react to a modify in temperature. So, if moms want to become that little edible bean moving effectually, they tin identify a cool, wet wash cloth on their tum. They should not feel similar they are torturing their babies by placing something common cold on their tum, equally information technology does not cause them whatsoever pain or discomfort. It is just a change in an surroundings to stir them to attending.

6 Spasms - Babe Is Hopping Around


Sometimes, people get a twitch in their eyelids. It is usually a very annoying and uncomfortable situation. Well, the same thing can happen in a pregnant woman'south stomach. She may feel some spasms and start to get a fleck worried. Over again, this is nothing to worry nearly. This type of motion tin can be due to several things; hiccups, bubbles, or but the baby moving rapidly.

Many women are actually able to run into their babies doing those things when they go to their regularly scheduled ultrasound appointments, especially if it is a 3D ultrasound. If a mom has an appointment coming up and she is anxious to run across her little ane hopping effectually, there is a good trick she can effort. According to, women can try drinking or eating something sweet, either some juice or a piece of fruit. Sometimes, a cold glass of water is all it takes to go the niggling one moving.

5 Tearing Movements - The Baby Is Uncomfortable

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Sometimes it tin experience similar an unborn baby is trying to pause out from within. Sometimes the kicks, punches, and rolls can seem pretty violent. If a little one is moving similar that, he probably is mad. If he has the hiccups, or has merely run out of room and is uncomfortable, then his movements may be a little more aggressive than they unremarkably would be, according to

So, if moms experience that their baby's movements are a lot more than aggressive than normal, they can try unlike things to assist calm them down. They can try to move around to try and assistance their baby in a unlike position. They can also try to take a dainty, warm bath to ease any discomfort their little one is having. The bonus is that it may relax them likewise. Either fashion, the infant will eventually become in a position that they are comfortable in.

4 Force per unit area - Baby Is Getting Set To Come Out

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Sometimes moms don't feel specific movements but they do feel a lot of pressure on sure areas of their body. They tin can experience this in two places: the ribs and the pelvic surface area. If the baby is placing a lot of pressure on their mom's rib cage, information technology tin almost feel like their mothers are having a center attack. Moms, rest bodacious, the baby cannot actually become their human foot into their rib cage because they are protected by the sac.

Most women, especially nigh the cease of their pregnancy, feel a lot of force per unit area in their pelvic area. Nigh the end, the babe starts to become into position for childbirth, and that usually means that their caput is downwards in near their female parent's pelvic area, every bit they get ready to go down the birth canal. This means that at that place volition be more trips to the bathroom in mom'southward future, and she might also experience like her infant is going to fall out. If moms feel this pressure, they can try moving around to come across if that helps.

iii Quickening - Happens At 9-Week Marking


Quickening is another proper noun for the movements moms volition experience at the commencement of pregnancy. That first little feeling of flutters and collywobbles. Babies really start moving and boot very early on in pregnancy, just they volition not feel information technology withal, because the baby is notwithstanding then small and there is a lot of padding to cushion the blows.

If a mom is nearing when she thinks she should start feeling movement, she can try and lay on her left side. This is the best side to feel movements. If they lay on their backs, gravity pulls the infant towards their spine and they are less likely to feel any kicks and punches considering those are felt in the lower abdomen. The left side is the all-time side considering it boosts the blood supply to the babe. If moms actually want to heave their chances of feeling the infant move, then they should accept something sweet before laying on their left side, since that might make the baby more active.

2 Nudge - Running Out Of Room

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At one point or some other, everyone has felt a nudge from someone who was trying to go their attention. Well, it is possible that unborn babies volition give their moms what feels similar a piddling nudge from the inside. They commonly don't really want their attention for any reason. It is more than likely that they are just stretching and accidentally concluded up nudging their mother.

In the early on weeks of the tertiary trimester, women are likely to feel nudges, kicks and punches, according to When they are nearing the terminate of their pregnancy, the motility type will drastically alter. This does not mean that anything is incorrect, it simply ways that the baby has run out of room. The kicks and punches will turn into rolls and squirming.

one No Movement - Something Might Be Wrong

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At present, here is the problem. If a mom feels no movement from her baby for an extended menstruation of time, it could exist a alarm sign that something is wrong. According to, moms should feel 10 movements in i hour or less.

However, if moms don't always feel that many kicks, they should not worry. Sometimes that tin merely mean that the infant is comatose. Furthermore, it doesn't affair if the movements a woman feels are big or small. Either kind is good.

If moms desire to try to aid their infant move, they tin effort laying on their left side after drinking ice water. According to, drinking ice water instead of something sweetness is a good idea for moms who have diabetes.

READ Side by side: 8 Reasons Not To Worry If Baby Suddenly Stops Kicking (And 5 Times To Worry)

Sources: Contained, The Bump, KICKS COUNT, Hullo Motherhood, Help Me Grow,, Babycentre, Parent Prime, Mothers & More, Michigan Medicine, Romper

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